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Friday, February 29, 2008

Have a Great Day!

We will not let our colds get us down!!!! But we are sick and tired of being sick and tired!! I am getting stir crazy as my only outings in the last 10 days have been to the Doctor. How lame is that?!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Everybody p**ps...

You just never know what a two year old will say. We (Joe, Danny, and I) were playing in the living room, Joe was swinging his sock monkey around and then stopped all of a sudden and said "oh no, Monkey pooped!" I said, "what?" knowing I must have heard wrong, but he repeated himself "monkey pooped" and pointed at the red bottom. Just as I was ready to laugh hysterically, he very seriously said, "monkey go to potty." So being a great mom, I held in my laughter (grabbed my camera) and headed off to the bathroom with Joe and the sock monkey. Joe couldn't figure out how to put monkey on the toilet without getting his tail in the bowl....so I got the lovely job of holding the Monkey on the "potty" then when he was "all done" Joe very carefully put down the lid and flushed the toilet! It's all in a day's work!

Grandma Myrle

It was high time we visited Grandma Myrle (who is older than anyone reading my posts), so we packed up the van and went up with Dad and Ginny et al. Danny is just about as big as Grandma Myrle so she only held Alex. Here's a great shot of her (and him). When I was little (even shorter and younger) we used to go to their place on the lake and stay for about 4 days. We would swim, fish, and eat! (not necessarily in that order) Even our dog was invited. I have a lot of great memories of our times there!

Time for Tea!

Grandma Wandler outdid herself this time!!!

Joe was invited over for Tea at Grandma's. Also invited were Samantha and Mircea. The girls' arrived in their princess dresses. Joe came dressed in a cowboy's finest! They all played til Grandma came in bearing a tray of goodies and then it got really serious. They all sat so nicely at the table and watched Grandma pass out the treats/tea intently. Samantha was the host and kept the conversation going: "Joe, stop it, we pray first!" "Joe! that's my muffin!" "I need to pour some tea for Mircea too." "Grandma, Joe took a bite out of my muffin!" "I'll pour you more tea."

Joe spent most of his time sampling the tea. It must have been delicious. He kept Samantha busy pouring. (No spills!!)
Mircea dressed in a princess skirt (skirts are her clothing of choice!) Her hair was done up in two french braids...which I should have probably pictured here...but I just love how delicately she is holding her spoon and what a dainty bite...soooo princess like *grin!! But it did get the job done with no spills (I know, I keep saying "no spills" but it is pretty amazing to have one 3 year old and two 2 year olds and NO spills!)
Tea is good! Come on over and have some!!! (Princess dress or Cowboy boots not required!)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Other January Tidbits!

February has begun, but it is fun to look back over the past month to see what we did. So often events go by so quickly that I just need a review to see something was done! Notice there are no pictures of laundry or vacuums etc...while that should be reviewed, all we would find out is that not much was done! *groan

Anyway, here are a few January tidbits I would like to share:

Joe has just finished giving Danny a "smooch" on the cheek. It must have been a good one!

Here Troy has quite the lapful with Samantha, Mircea and Joe. Brayden is checking out things from the side. We love books at this house!!

We celebrated "2nd Birthdays" with the families from our birth class and Evergreen Baby Group at the Gymboree in Redmond. It was so much fun to see how much all the kids have grown. There are two more babies expected this spring.

Another case of "Mommy, Mommy, cheeeeeeeese!"

(Meaning: Take our picture...we're being cute!"

We got some snow!

Here is a fabulous snowman creation by Grant! (complete with hair!) Joe helped by getting in the way, picking up all fallen coffee beans, wandering off so Grant has to chase him etc. What a good team effort!
You know your Auntie loves you when she makes you Hot Chocolate! Doesn't Joe look fabulous with a moustache? (just like Grandpa W.)

When you open the door to the playroom....you just never know what you will find!
Joe finished up his last day at Little Gym last week. We hope to "do it again," but have decided to do only one activity at a time. (learned from Beth's mom...it helps with family saneness). It has been fun to watch his growth in walking on the balance beam, jumping, swinging on bars, somersaults etc. Joe's New Year Resolution is to learn to swim!! He is loving it!
And here to end this...is proof I did get some sleep this month. *grin