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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Janell turns 30!

Janell turned 30 and we celebrated with a Surprise Party!  
Velva and Eunice (Janell's aunt and mom) roped me into putting together a fun time with some of Janell's friends and family. Yippee!

I, of course "had" to put up some decorations and had a great time making her a girly cake (a purse with a coin purse as well) and brownies in the shape of high heel shoes.  

Some of the guests ate a bit early!
Standing around waiting for the guest of honor to arrive!
Dinner, of course, was Happy Meals from McDonalds!  We were soooooo lucky...McD's switches off from Happy Meal Boxes to Bags and they had just gotten in boxes....bags just aren't as cool!   Here's Derek and Julie all set with their order!
Here's the Birthday Girl!  
Hopefully Janell got her hamburger ketchup only! *grin
Justin said he hadn't had a Happy Meal for over 20 years!  What an Oldy Moldy!
(Oh, I made a caesar salad to offset the McD's.)
Janell's brother Jon and his wife Jen and boys: Bowdrie and Carsen came all the way from Montana!   I didn't get any pictures of their totally cute boys.  Too bad!  You'll just have to put up with this one of Jon.  
Chip helped with picking up the order at McD's...he got a free Big Mac!

The best part is getting the toy in the box!  Perfect party favors!  
The polly pockets were a definite favorite!
Wait a minute Jolyn, how did you get another one?! *grin

Some had more fun at the party than others! *grin  
Happy 30th Birthday Janell!   
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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Danny is...

Walking now!  


Here are a few of our "little" one. He is growing sooooooo fast!

Danny was named after 3 Georges. Troy's Grandpa George Burgess, George Dissmore (my adopted Grandpa), and George Richardson (another of my adopted Grandpas.) Here Danny is with George Richardson.
Here's a little bedhead! He is such a happy waker upper.
Getting ready for meeting, Danny all of a sudden was really quiet so I peaked in on him in the playroom and this is what I found!
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Trick or Treat!

My little Cowboys were invited to Kenmore Story Time on Wednesday, by "emlee" and "jawfun." They listened to some great Halloween stories, learned about the "Jakalanter" and trick or treated at the check out counter where they recieve some Yummy treat.

We spent Halloween evening with some of the ones in our birth class group. Here are the treats I brought!
Here the group of kids that were there minus the two babies. From the left: Joe, Danny, Owen, Lucy, and Paige.
They went trick or treating to about 5 houses. After the first house...the kids were pumped up! Joe gave me his horse cause "I need to hold my bucket of treats carefully!" They couldn't believe that all these people were giving them candy! Troy would put Danny down and Danny would walk up holding out his hat for candy...it was totally cute.
Sara and Troy hosted all of us and we had a wonderful time! Thank you! It was so much fun to catch up with everyone!
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My family continued the tradition of holding a "plachinda" baking day at Ginny's house on Saturday. Porsche and Bryan upholding tradition didn't show up til lunch time. Unfortunately, our camera battery was low from trick or treating so I didn't get many pictures. Here's Grandma with the caboodle of them. The kids did help Grandpa make the dough and then the "adults" put the plachinda together. A good time was had by all!

We turn our backs just a moment on Grandma and the next thing we know she's teaching Samantha, Joe and Cea how to play poker! Now their college funds are being used to help pay for her kitchen remodel!

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